Monday 18 November 2013

Some People Who Invented Some Important Things -By Mattei Cini 1.4 Platinum

These are
some people
who invented
Very important

Mattei cini 1.4 platinum
Martin Cooper invented
The mobile 

He was born on 
December 26 1928 

William Murdich invented The Train

He was born on
August 21 1784 and
Died on November 15 1839NATIONALITY
Charles Babbage invented
The computer
He was born on
October 18 and
He died on December 1942

Science News, Sleeping But Actually Learning At The Same Time -Miguel Cauchi


                                                          Science News

Titgħallem meta tkun rieqed:

L-istudji wrew li l-irqad u t-tagħlim imorru flimkien. Fil- fatt 
meta nistrieħu l-memorja ssir aħjar u tibda taħseb aħjar. 
Imma din ir-relazzjoni tmur iktar fil-fond. Fi studju ġdid li 
qegħdin jagħmlu x-xjentisti, jgħid li l-moħħ jista’ jitgħallem xi 
ħaġa ġdida matul l-irqad. Ix-xjentisti kienu jemmnu li l-moħħ 
kien ikun qiegħed jistrieħ waqt l-irqad. Imma mbgħad 
skoprew li l-moħħ ikun qed jaħseb jew jitgħallem waqt l irqad. Ix-xjentisti ppubblikaw rapport fuq gazzetta 
pubblikata f’Awwissu 2012.

Għal aktar informazzjoni itħlu fuq is-sit online -

Learn More About Albert Einstein -Liam Borg

 Albert Einstein


Albert  Einstein was born  in  Ulm,Germany on 14th March
1879.  His  father  was  Hermann  Einstein  and  his  mother Pauline Einstein.
Albert attended a Catholic elementary school for three years 
and then was transferred to Luitpold Gymnasium.When he 
was young he had speech difficulties and  he  also was right 
handed not left handed as people belive.
Once  his  father  showed  him  a  pocket  compass.  Albert 
realized that there must be something causing the needle to 
move.  As he grew up Albert became more and more good 
in mathematics.

        After graduating, Enstein spend two years 
searching  for  a  teaching  post.    Later  his  father's  friends 
offered  him  a  job  at  the  federal  office  for  intellectual 
Eventually  two  technical  problems  that  showed  up  in  his
work led Albert to his radical conclusions about the nature 
of  light  and  the  fundamental  connection  between  space 
and time.  One of his popular experiments is the  nuclear
bomb.  Through his life he published hundreds of scientific 
books and articles.
He  is known as the  father of modern physics.  He died on 18th April,1955.                

Liam Borġ 3.4

Intervista Lil Xjentist Malti -By Liam Borg

          Intervista lil Xjentist Malti

F’Novembru li ghadda  il-grupp taghna ‘The Test Tube‘ kellu l-oportunita li nintaqaw ma xjentist Malti.  Nigel Barbara u jiena preparajna ftit mistoqsijiet u intervistajna lil Dr.Edward Duca.  Dr.Duca jahdem fl-Universita ta’ Malta fejn hu jippromwovi x-xjenza u ricerka xjentifika ghal Maltin.
Dr Duca kien persuna simpatika ħafna u aħna verament ħadna gost niddiskutu miegħu x-Xjenza u l-importanza li għandha fil-ħajja tiegħu. Huwa beda l-intervista billi jispjega l-interess tiegħu fl-Xjenza li min dejjem kienet hemm. Dr. Duca spjegalna kif meta kien għadu tifel żgħir kien kurjużi dwar affarijiet differenti li kienu mdawru, speċċjalment  l-annimali. L-Interess tiegħu kompla jikber matul is-snin skolastiċi tiegħu speċjalment meta s-suġġett jitkellem fuq affarijiet ħajjin u l-funzjonijiet varji tal-ġisem. Dr Duca dejjem kien jaf li huwa jixtieq li jkollu karriera futura li tiffoka fuq ix-Xjenza.

Dr. Edward Duca studja fl-Università taMalta u aktar tard kompla l-istudji tiegħu barra mill-pajjiż fl-Iskozja.  Ir-riċerka tal-PhD tiegħu ffokat fuq il-Ġenetika u huwa spjegalna kif fl-esperimenti tiegħu huwa uża dubbien tal-frott li għenuh jinvestiga oqsma speċifiċi ta' DNA tagħna.

Fil-mument Dr
. Duca huwa l-editur ta' rivista tal-UoM  "Think".  Permezz tal-ħidma tiegħu huwa wkoll involuti fiproġetti nazzjonali differenti li jippromovu x-Xjenza. Matul is-sena li għaddiet kien parti mit-tim li organizza "Science In The City". Dr. Duca spjegalna li kien involut  f’ħafna xogħol iebes, iżda fl-aħħar kienet esperjenza ta' suċċess kif ukoll ta’ sodisfazjon kbir.

Fil-ħin liberu tiegħu Dr
. Duca jħobb jivvjaġġa, jaqra u jfittex dwar skoperti xjentifiċi  fuq l-internet. Huwa wkoll iħobb  jilgħab logħob ta’ tip ‘battle games’ mal-ħbieb tiegħu, li wieħed minnhom huwa għalliem fl-iskola tagħna , is-Sur Albert Grech.

Din l-intervista kienet esperjenza ferm pożittiva u Dr
. Duca temm il-laqgħa tagħna billi ħeġġiġna li qatt maghna naqgħtu qalbna u nkomplu nippressistu fuq l-istudju tagħna fix-Xjenza.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Students' work on topics covered in the subject

Nasim Dardouri
Form 3.3 Copper



The six noble gases are found in group 18 (also known as group 0) of the periodic table. These elements were considered to be inert gases until the 1960's, because their oxidation number of 0 prevents the noble gases from forming compounds readily. All noble gases have the maximum number of electrons possible in their outer shell (2 for Helium, 8 for all others), making them stable.

Name: Helium 
Symbol: He 
Atomic Number: 2 

Date of Discovery: 1895 
Discoverer: Sir William Ramsay 
Name Origin: From the Greek word hêlios (sun) 
Uses: balloons, deep sea diving 
Obtained From: 
natural gas deposit, air 

Name: Neon 
Symbol: Ne 
Atomic Number: 10 

Date of Discovery: 1898 
Discoverer: Sir William Ramsay 
Name Origin: Form the Greek word neos (new) 
Uses: lighting 
Obtained From: liquid air

Name: Argon 

Symbol: Ar 

Atomic Number: 18 

Date of Discovery: 1894 
Discoverer: Sir William Ramsay 
Name Origin: From the Greek word argon (inactive) 
Uses: Lighting 
Obtained From: air 

Name: Krypton 
Symbol: Kr 
Atomic Number: 36 

Date of Discovery: 1898 
Discoverer: Sir William Ramsay 
Name Origin: From the Greek word kryptos (hidden) 
Uses: Lighting 
Obtained From: production of liquid air 

Name: Xenon 
Symbol: Xe 
Atomic Number: 54 

Date of Discovery: 1898 
Discoverer: Sir William Ramsay 
Name Origin: From the Greek word xenon (stranger) 
Uses: powerful lamps, bubble chambers 
Obtained From: liquid air 

Name: Radon 
Symbol: Rn 
Atomic Number: 86 
Date of Discovery: 1898 
Discoverer: Fredrich Ernst Dorn 
Name Origin: From radium 
Uses: treatment of cancer 
Obtained From: decay of radium 

These gases are named 'Noble gases' because they are too 'noble' to need anything else from any other element.  Unlike other elements which need to stabilise their atoms with the help of other elements, these gases have a full outer shell making them chemically stable. 

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